About Your Participation
The Teen Samurai Game® provides a distinctive learning approach in which participants engage honestly, directly and effectively with issues at the heart of their lives. The Training addresses all dimensions of human nature:
intellect, emotions, body and spirit.
The ChoiceCenter Teen Samurai Game® is an experiential learning program that calls for your full and committed participation. The program includes the following types of activities:
Interactive Discussions
The trainer will present various topics relevant to issues that typical teenagers face. This includes: Keeping Commitments; Making Choices; Responsibility vs. Blame; Dreams and Goals; Effective Communication; Self-Esteem; Contribution and
Team Work; Relationships; and Leadership. In these discussions the trainer will discuss a particular point of view about these subjects. The purpose is not for you to agree or disagree with what is said, but rather to assist you in observing
how you relate to these particular subjects. In observing yourself in the training, you can learn about your principles, commitments, and relationships.
Throughout the training you will have the opportunity to learn about yourself through communication: speaking about what you are learning, and listening to the experiences of others. Such sharing occurs one-on-one, in small groups, or in
front of the entire training group.
Small Group Exercises
At the start of the training you will choose a small group with an average of 6-8 other participants. During the training, you will meet with your small group to discuss and share what you are learning as well as to participate in other experiential
exercises. A volunteer staff member will act as facilitator for your group.
Personal Coaching
At times you may have direct interaction with the trainer. The trainer will relate to you from the perspective that you are capable of effectively handling the circumstances in your life and that you are committed to extraordinary accomplishments.
The trainer will also ask you to take personal responsibility rather than being powerless in the face of life's obstacles. Interactions with the trainer is an opportunity for you to examine the limitations of your world view, therefore you
may feel challenged, anxious or uncomfortable in going outside of your comfort zone.
You will, as part of a group, play games to reveal the competitive and cooperative strategies you use, and also to illuminate the possibility of meeting both group and individual commitments throughout your life.
Closed-Eye Processes -
During a closed-eye process the trainer will guide you through a creative visualization. Frequently music and the lowering of lights are used during these processes to facilitate relaxation and promote creativity.
Insight and Discovery Homework
At the close of each day you will be given a homework assignment to be completed before the next session begins. The homework is designed for you to continue your discovery, bring greater clarity to what you are learning, and prepare you
for the next day's session.
Declarations and Action Planning
On Sunday of the training, you will write short and long-term goals and identify actions you can take that will support you in reaching them. This is an opportunity to get coaching and feedback on how you can use the tools that you have learned
over the weekend to meet your goals everyday.
Food and Rest
During the 3-day weekend, it is important that you get sufficient rest and food. Every 2 to 4 hours there will be a 15-30 minute break and on Saturday for approximately 1-1/2 hours in the late afternoon a dinner meal will be provided.
Be sure to eat a sustaining meal each day before coming to the training. You may need to adjust your schedule to be assured of getting sufficient sleep. This is your personal responsibility. Without sufficient food and rest, your training
experience will be diminished. Please arrange your schedule accordingly.
Ground Rules
Important aspects of every organization, activity, or game are defined in its rules. The following ground rules are integral to the success of the Teen Samurai Game®. They will be presented to the entire training group on
Friday evening of the training.
1. Maintain confidentiality of other participants' experiences. In order to preserve spontaneity, do not discuss or disclose the experiential parts of the training with someone who has not taken the Teen Samurai Game®. Please note: ChoiceCenter
cannot guarantee confidentiality.
2. Be on time. During the weekend, the workshop starts on Friday at 7:00 PM, at 10:00 AM on Saturday, and 10:00 AM on Sunday.
3. Attend the entire weekend, and participate during your coaching for the two weeks following.
4. Do not side talk. Ask questions, talk and share only when acknowledged by the trainer or during designated sharing periods.
5. Do not smoke, eat, chew gum, or drink beverages inside the training room. Bottled water is the only exception.6. No alcohol, marijuana, or other non- prescription mood altering drugs are to be used either in or out of the training through the completion of Sunday of the session.
7. Be responsible for your well being. This includes getting sufficient food and sleep during the training, and taking any prescribed medications on schedule.
8. Wear your nametag in a visible location during training hours. Turn in your nametag before meal breaks and at the end of each day.
9. Turn off and remove all cellular phones and pagers before entering the training room.
1. Sit in open body position.
2. Be sensitive to when you leave the room to use the bathroom.
3. Respect other users and the physical plant of this facility.
The Four Pillars of Leadership
The ChoiceCenter Teen Samurai Game® expects all students will voluntarily participate, come prepared to put forth their best effort, try new activities, work as part of a team and follow instructions.
As mentioned above, the ground rules will be reviewed, explained and agreed upon Friday evening.
I have read the information within this packet and understand and agree to participate in the training.