Keith Bentz
Keith Bentz is a master trainer, training designer, and trainer of trainers. In his 26 years in the field of experiential education, he has personally led trainings for more than 60,000 men and women in the United States, Europe, Asia and South America.
Keith completed his undergraduate and graduate work at Stanford University, where he graduated summa cum laude. He began his career as a university instructor, teaching philosophy and literature at Stanford and Boston Universities before entering the training field.
Keith is certified as a Lead Trainer for Discovery and Breakthrough, wrote and designed ChoiceCenter’s 4-day Men’s Retreat, and is certified by the legendary George Leonard to train The Samurai Game®. He also wrote and designed ChoiceCenter’s 6-month business training called The Business Challenge and The Journey Within.
Keith designs and leads business trainings for a wide range of U.S. corporations, including AT&T, Nike, Intel, Cathay Pacific, Unilever, IBM, Nestle Foods, and Sheraton Hotels.